Mean L2 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) 3mm cylindrical power (left) Error tolerance before calibration Mean MD in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Age deep-vein thrombosis (DVT| blood clot in leg) diagnosed Duration to complete numeric path (trail #1) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left) Fraction acceleration <= 80 milli-gravities Volume of grey matter in Cingulate Gyrus| posterior division (left) Cholesterol in Medium HDL_clean Mean FA in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) Mean L2 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) Mean ICVF in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Average acceleration 18:00 - 18:59 Mean MD in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) 6mm regularity index (left) Cholesteryl Esters in Very Small VLDL Mean MD in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Duration to complete alphanumeric path (trail #2) Mean L2 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Mean FA in fornix on FA skeleton Reticulocyte count Weighted-mean MO in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left) Triglycerides in Large HDL_clean Weighted-mean MO in tract middle cerebellar peduncle 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes contrast Weighted-mean OD in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right) Cholesteryl Esters in Large VLDL_clean Glutamine_clean Weighted-mean ICVF in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right) Mean FA in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Pelvis bone area Heel bone ultrasound T-score| manual entry Volume of grey matter in Central Opercular Cortex (right) Mean L2 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right) Median T2star in caudate (left) Mean L3 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Mean MD in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) Average acceleration 15:00 - 15:59 Legs tissue fat percentage Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left) Mean ISOVF in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus| posterior division (left) Volume of grey matter in Occipital Fusiform Gyrus (left) Mean FA in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Mean MD in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) 6mm regularity index (right) Volume of brain stem + 4th ventricle Mean MO in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) Direct bilirubin Mean MO in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Volume of grey matter in Central Opercular Cortex (left) Stroke volume during PWA Median T2star in caudate (right) Weighted-mean L3 in tract superior thalamic radiation (left) Mean ISOVF in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) p101 k antigen for Human Herpesvirus-6 Triglycerides in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL_clean Lymphocyte percentage Impedance of leg (right) Arm total mass (left) Mean MO in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) Mean ICVF in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Cholesteryl Esters in Medium VLDL_clean Volume of hippocampus (left) Volume of ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (normalised for head size) Posterior thigh lean muscle volume (right) Weighted-mean L1 in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left) sag1 antigen for Toxoplasma gondii Weighted-mean OD in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left) Discrepancy between T2 FLAIR brain image and T1 brain image Phospholipids in Medium VLDL_clean Fraction acceleration <= 11 milli-gravities Mean MD in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Mean L3 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean L1 in tract forceps major 3mm weak meridian (right) CagA antigen for Helicobacter pylori Phospholipids in Small LDL Median T2star in accumbens (left) Mean L3 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) Cholesteryl Esters in Medium LDL_clean Average Diameter for VLDL Particles Weighted-mean ICVF in tract medial lemniscus (right) Weighted-mean L3 in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left) Mean FA in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract acoustic radiation (left) Free Cholesterol in Large LDL_clean Mean MD in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) Mean MO in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) Femur shaft BMD (bone mineral density) (left) Mean L1 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean OD in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left) Fraction acceleration <= 2 milli-gravities Mean L3 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) Mean L2 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Albumin Glycoprotein Acetyls Mean OD in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract forceps major 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes contrast Total Fatty Acids_clean Mean L2 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Cholesteryl Esters in Large LDL_clean Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract middle cerebellar peduncle Pulse wave Arterial Stiffness index Weighted-mean ICVF in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left) Weighted-mean MO in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left) Mean L3 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Mean MD in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) Friday average acceleration Weighted-mean MD in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left) Weighted-mean L3 in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left) Arm total mass (right) Weighted-mean MO in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right) Volume of grey matter in VIIIa Cerebellum (right) Weighted-mean MO in tract superior thalamic radiation (left) Ankle spacing width Mean ICVF in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) pp 52 antigen for Human Cytomegalovirus Weighted-mean ICVF in tract acoustic radiation (right) Weighted-mean OD in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Docosahexaenoic Acid_clean Mean FA in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Mean ISOVF in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Sample rate maximum Arm fat percentage (left) Arm fat-free mass (left) Red blood cell (erythrocyte) distribution width Mean FA in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Concentration of Small HDL Particles Mean L1 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean MO in tract corticospinal tract (left) Phospholipids in IDL HTLV-1 env antigen for Human T-Lymphotropic Virus 1 Heel bone mineral density (BMD) (left) Weighted-mean FA in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left) ECG| phase time Mean L1 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Mean OD in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Leg fat mass (left) Minimum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 120 degrees Weighted-mean L2 in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Weighted-mean L1 in tract acoustic radiation (right) Arm fat mass (right) Concentration of Medium HDL Particles Mean MD in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) MC VP1 antigen for Merkel Cell Polyomavirus Mean FA in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Fraction acceleration <= 225 milli-gravities Total Lipids in Small LDL Concentration of Medium LDL Particles Weighted-mean MD in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left) Mean MD in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Mean L1 in fornix on FA skeleton Triglycerides in Small VLDL Arm BMC (bone mineral content) (right) Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus| anterior division (right) Total Lipids in Large VLDL_clean Mean ICVF in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Age diabetes diagnosed Mean MD in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) logMAR| final (left) Mean MD in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Mean OD in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) Total Lipids in HDL Mean L2 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract acoustic radiation (right) Mean ICVF in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) Median T2star in amygdala (right) Weighted-mean OD in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left) Calibration - maximum y stationary value Mean L3 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) Mean L2 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean MO in tract uncinate fasciculus (right) Heel broadband ultrasound attenuation (right) Mean ICVF in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Mean MD in fornix on FA skeleton Phenylalanine_clean Mean MO in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Liver inflammation factor (LIF) Mean ICVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) Central augmentation pressure during PWA Pyruvate_clean Weighted-mean MD in tract middle cerebellar peduncle Maximum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 150 degrees Free Cholesterol in Very Large VLDL_clean Diastolic blood pressure| automated reading HBe antigen for Hepatitis B Virus Triglycerides in Very Large HDL_clean Weighted-mean ICVF in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left) Weighted-mean MO in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Age other serious eye condition diagnosed Mean MO in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean L3 in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left) Total Cholesterol Corneal hysteresis (right) Weighted-mean L1 in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left) VCA p18 antigen for Epstein-Barr Virus Mean OD in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) Acetone Mean MD in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Mean MD in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Mean OD in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean ICVF in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left) Mean OD in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Temperature minimum Weighted-mean L1 in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Fraction acceleration <= 70 milli-gravities Mean L1 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean MD in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left) Free Cholesterol in Medium LDL_clean Volume of grey matter in Frontal Orbital Cortex (left) Degree of Unsaturation_clean Fraction acceleration <= 200 milli-gravities Concentration of VLDL Particles Cholesterol in Small LDL_clean Weighted-mean L3 in tract uncinate fasciculus (right) Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1)| predicted Concentration of Large HDL Particles Cholesterol in IDL Mean MD in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract uncinate fasciculus (left) Overall acceleration average Mean MO in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) Mean OD in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) Mean L2 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) Mean MO in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Mean ICVF in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Diastolic brachial blood pressure during PWA Weighted-mean FA in tract superior thalamic radiation (left) Volume of grey matter in IX Cerebellum (vermis) 3mm regularity index (right) Mean L2 in fornix on FA skeleton Cholesteryl Esters in VLDL Head BMD (bone mineral density) Creatinine (enzymatic) in urine Volume of thalamus (left) Mean ISOVF in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) Mean FA in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Mean ICVF in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Haemoglobin concentration Mean FA in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Vitamin D Total Lipids in Medium HDL Inverted contrast-to-noise ratio in T1 Triglycerides Phospholipids in LDL Pulse rate (during blood-pressure measurement) Pulse rate| automated reading Triglycerides in Medium VLDL_clean Concentration of Small VLDL Particles Triglycerides in LDL Mean L1 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Volume of accumbens (right) Volume of grey matter in Intracalcarine Cortex (left) Mean MO in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Mean FA in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) Apolipoprotein B Vitamin D (repeat-1) Folate Mean ICVF in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean OD in tract uncinate fasciculus (right) Cholesterol in Medium LDL_clean Cardiac index 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces activation Mean L3 in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton Volume of peripheral cortical grey matter Weighted-mean L3 in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right) Mean ISOVF in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean L3 in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Mean MD in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) White blood cell (leukocyte) count Mean FA in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Mean L2 in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Weighted-mean L2 in tract medial lemniscus (left) Weighted-mean L1 in tract medial lemniscus (left) Femur upper neck BMD (bone mineral density) (left) Mean L1 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) Omega-6 Fatty Acids_clean Gamma glutamyltransferase Mean L1 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean OD in tract superior thalamic radiation (right) Mean FA in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Mean MO in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean ICVF in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right) Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus| anterior division (left) Volume of grey matter in Temporal Fusiform Cortex| posterior division (right) 6mm asymmetry index (left) VAT (visceral adipose tissue) mass UreA antigen for Helicobacter pylori Mean ISOVF in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Mean MO in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) Mean L1 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Heel Broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA)| manual entry Sunday average acceleration Volume of grey matter in Superior Temporal Gyrus| posterior division (right) Omega-3 Fatty Acids_clean Mean OD in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract uncinate fasciculus (right) Volume of grey matter in Cingulate Gyrus| anterior division (right) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right) Mean OD in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) Mean L1 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Retinol Starch Median T2star in hippocampus (left) Mean L1 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Leg fat mass (right) Potassium in urine Femur neck BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (left) Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus| pars opercularis (left) Volume of grey matter in Occipital Pole (left) Fraction acceleration <= 75 milli-gravities Mean L2 in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton HIV-1 env antigen for Human Immunodeficiency Virus HDL cholesterol Minimum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 210 degrees Discrepancy between SWI brain image and T1 brain image Mean MD in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) Mean OD in fornix on FA skeleton Impedance of leg (left) Mean L1 in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) Mean ISOVF in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Mean MD in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) End systolic pressure index during PWA Volume of grey matter in Cingulate Gyrus| anterior division (left) Mean ICVF in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) Discrepancy between tfMRI brain image and T1 brain image Volume of grey matter in Parahippocampal Gyrus| anterior division (left) Volume of grey matter in Hippocampus (left) Mean MO in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus| pars triangularis (left) Mean L3 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Mean ISOVF in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) Mean OD in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) Volume of grey matter in Crus I Cerebellum (left) Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus| pars opercularis (right) Standing height Mean OD in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Cholesterol in Large HDL_clean Total Lipids in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL_clean Arm BMC (bone mineral content) (left) Mean OD in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) Total BMC (bone mineral content) Mean L1 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean MO in tract corticospinal tract (right) Albumin Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1) Saturated Fatty Acids_clean Mean L1 in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right) Fraction acceleration <= 10 milli-gravities Weighted-mean L1 in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left) Weighted-mean L3 in tract forceps minor Android total mass Weighted-mean ICVF in tract uncinate fasciculus (right) Heel broadband ultrasound attenuation (left) Mean L1 in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton Testosterone Calibration - minimum z stationary value Median T2star in putamen (left) Mean OD in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Volume of peripheral cortical grey matter (normalised for head size) Femur wards BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (right) Speed of sound through heel (right) Volume of grey matter in Supramarginal Gyrus| posterior division (right) Mean L3 in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Waist circumference Haematocrit percentage Weighted-mean MD in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left) Volume of grey matter in Frontal Medial Cortex (left) Leg tissue fat percentage (left) Volume of grey matter in Juxtapositional Lobule Cortex (formerly Supplementary Motor Cortex) (left) Mean OD in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean L3 in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right) Volume of grey matter in Occipital Fusiform Gyrus (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract corticospinal tract (right) Cardiac index during PWA LANA antigen for Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Femur troch BMD (bone mineral density) (right) Volume of grey matter in Cuneal Cortex (left) Urea Volume of grey matter in VIIIb Cerebellum (right) Volume of grey matter in Occipital Pole (right) Mean L3 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract acoustic radiation (left) Arms BMD (bone mineral density) Average acceleration 04:00 - 04:59 3mm strong meridian (right) Spine bone area Platelet crit 6mm strong meridian (right) Mean MD in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean L1 in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right) Mean OD in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) Mean L2 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract forceps major Mean L2 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Ventral Striatum (right) OMP antigen for Helicobacter pylori Free Cholesterol in Very Small VLDL Total volume of white matter hyperintensities (from T1 and T2_FLAIR images) Weighted-mean OD in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right) Lactate Volume of grey matter in Angular Gyrus (left) Weighted-mean MD in tract medial lemniscus (right) Weighted-mean L2 in tract medial lemniscus (right) Diastolic brachial blood pressure Weighted-mean L2 in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left) Femur troch BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (left) Temperature standard deviation BK VP1 antigen for Human Polyomavirus BKV Weighted-mean L2 in tract forceps minor Free Cholesterol in VLDL Intra-ocular pressure| Goldmann-correlated (right) Mean ISOVF in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean L2 in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left) Mean L1 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Mean ICVF in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Free Cholesterol in Small HDL Mean L1 in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean MO in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left) Mean L2 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Mean OD in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) Mean L3 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) JC VP1 antigen for Human Polyomavirus JCV Median BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes contrast Mean L3 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) Cholesterol in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL_clean Discrepancy between rfMRI brain image and T1 brain image 6mm cylindrical power (left) Alkaline phosphatase Femur total BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (left) Median BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation Whole body fat-free mass Calcium (repeat-1) Polyunsaturated fat Weighted-mean ICVF in tract superior thalamic radiation (right) Mean L3 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) Posterior thigh lean muscle volume (left) Weighted-mean MD in tract corticospinal tract (left) 6mm strong meridian (left) Age high blood pressure diagnosed Mean ISOVF in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Mean L1 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Frontal Pole (left) Abdominal fat ratio No-wear time bias adjusted average acceleration Weighted-mean FA in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left) Volume of grey matter in Superior Frontal Gyrus (right) Mean MD in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Thalamus (left) Weighted-mean OD in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right) Weighted-mean OD in tract uncinate fasciculus (left) Mean L2 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Arm fat mass (left) Mean L1 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract medial lemniscus (right) L1-L4 BMD (bone mineral density) T-score Age pulmonary embolism (blood clot in lung) diagnosed HTLV-1 gag antigen for Human T-Lymphotropic Virus 1 Total peripheral resistance during PWA Monday average acceleration Platelet count Average acceleration 11:00 - 11:59 Diastolic blood pressure| manual reading Volume of grey matter in Lingual Gyrus (left) Mean MO in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) LV stroke volume Fraction acceleration <= 60 milli-gravities Weighted-mean L1 in tract acoustic radiation (left) Average Diameter for HDL Particles Total Lipids in IDL Weighted-mean L1 in tract middle cerebellar peduncle Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI)| direct entry (right) Discrepancy between T1 brain image and standard-space brain template (linearly-aligned) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract medial lemniscus (left) Muscle fat infiltration Mean L2 in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) 3mm regularity index (left) Weighted-mean MD in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left) Volume of putamen (left) Mean L2 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean L1 in tract corticospinal tract (left) Femur neck BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (right) Systolic brachial blood pressure Weighted-mean ICVF in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right) ECG| heart rate Triglycerides in HDL Weighted-mean MD in tract uncinate fasciculus (left) Arm predicted mass (right) Mean ISOVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean MD in tract acoustic radiation (left) Glucose_clean High light scatter reticulocyte count Triglycerides in VLDL Android tissue fat percentage Mean OD in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Mean L2 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) Average acceleration 16:00 - 16:59 Mean OD in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton Volume of grey matter in Caudate (left) Trunk fat mass Fraction acceleration <= 7 milli-gravities Weighted-mean ICVF in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left) Mean OD in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean OD in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right) Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus| temporooccipital part (left) Mean L2 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Volume of grey matter in Planum Temporale (right) Arm predicted mass (left) 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation Weighted-mean L2 in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Volume of grey matter in VIIIb Cerebellum (left) Weighted-mean ICVF in tract forceps major Mean FA in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Average acceleration 05:00 - 05:59 Pack years adult smoking as proportion of life span exposed to smoking Volume of grey matter in Lingual Gyrus (right) Femur troch BMD (bone mineral density) (left) Valine_clean Ankle spacing width (right) Cholesteryl Esters in Medium HDL_clean Mean MO in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Lipoprotein A Mean L1 in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton LV end systolic volume Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract forceps minor Food weight 6mm asymmetry index (right) Age hay fever| rhinitis or eczema diagnosed Arm fat percentage (right) Mean L2 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean L3 in tract corticospinal tract (left) Age cataract diagnosed Mean ISOVF in fornix on FA skeleton Median BOLD effect (in group-defined mask) for faces activation Basal metabolic rate Histidine_clean Free Cholesterol in Large VLDL_clean Mean sphered cell volume Mean ISOVF in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) Head BMC (bone mineral content) SHBG Corneal hysteresis (left) Weighted-mean OD in tract medial lemniscus (right) Age asthma diagnosed by doctor Weighted-mean OD in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Total Concentration of Branched-Chain Amino Acids (Leucine + Isoleucine + Valine)_clean Mean MO in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Systolic blood pressure| manual reading Weighted-mean ICVF in tract forceps minor Mean FA in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) Mean L3 in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) Speed of sound through heel| manual entry Fraction acceleration <= 35 milli-gravities Sphingomyelins_clean Concentration of Large LDL Particles Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left) Total Lipids in Lipoprotein Particles Phospholipids in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL_clean Volume of grey matter in Superior Temporal Gyrus| posterior division (left) Mean FA in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton Mean MO in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Mean L1 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Total Lipids in LDL Mean ISOVF in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) Central pulse pressure during PWA Interpolated Year when cancer first diagnosed Cholesterol in Small VLDL Total Free Cholesterol Temperature maximum Volume of grey matter in VIIb Cerebellum (vermis) Weighted-mean MO in tract superior thalamic radiation (right) Potassium Mean ICVF in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton Acetate_clean Cholesteryl Esters in Small HDL_clean Cholesterol in Large VLDL_clean Mean L2 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Mean L3 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Cholesteryl Esters in HDL Mean L3 in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) Mean ISOVF in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) Total Lipids in Small HDL Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI)| manual entry Volume of amygdala (left) Cystatin C Trunk tissue fat percentage Median T2star in hippocampus (right) Weighted-mean MO in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Femur total BMD (bone mineral density) (left) Inverted temporal signal-to-noise ratio in pre-processed tfMRI Mean L1 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Mean ISOVF in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) High light scatter reticulocyte percentage Weighted-mean L2 in tract corticospinal tract (left) Volume of grey matter in Crus I Cerebellum (vermis) 2mgG unique antigen for Herpes Simplex virus-2 Volume of grey matter in Temporal Pole (right) Mean L2 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Planum Temporale (left) Volume of white matter Volume of grey matter in Supracalcarine Cortex (right) Weighted-mean L1 in tract forceps minor Heart rate during PWA Concentration of Very Large VLDL Particles Interpolated Age of participant when cancer first diagnosed Mean FA in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean L2 in tract superior thalamic radiation (left) Interpolated Age of participant when non-cancer illness first diagnosed Weighted-mean FA in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Total Lipids in Large LDL Leg tissue fat percentage (right) Weighted-mean L2 in tract corticospinal tract (right) Weighted-mean MO in tract acoustic radiation (left) Weighted-mean ICVF in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Pelvis BMC (bone mineral content) Volume of grey matter in VI Cerebellum (vermis) Creatinine Body surface area Apolipoprotein B Leg total mass (right) Proton density fat fraction (PDFF) Fraction acceleration <= 325 milli-gravities Mean L3 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Peripheral pulse pressure during PWA Mean L1 in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Mean FA in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Total bilirubin Mean L3 in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract corticospinal tract (right) Average acceleration 00:00 - 00:59 Fraction acceleration <= 95 milli-gravities Mean FA in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) Speed of sound through heel (left) Mean ISOVF in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) Femur upper neck BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (left) Calibration coefficients - mean temperature Weighted-mean OD in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right) Hand grip strength (right) Mean FA in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) Mean ICVF in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Fraction acceleration <= 50 milli-gravities Volume of grey matter in Superior Frontal Gyrus (left) Mean ISOVF in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton 6mm weak meridian (right) Arms tissue fat percentage Median z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation Hand grip strength (left) Mean L2 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Number of beats in waveform average for PWA Volume of grey matter in Parahippocampal Gyrus| posterior division (left) Leg BMC (bone mineral content) (left) Median T2star in thalamus (right) Mean ISOVF in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) Urate Age hayfever or allergic rhinitis diagnosed by doctor Weighted-mean FA in tract medial lemniscus (right) Mean OD in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (right) Total Phospholipids in Lipoprotein Particles Age angina diagnosed Femur wards BMD (bone mineral density) (right) Trunk total mass Fraction acceleration <= 85 milli-gravities Phospholipids in Large HDL_clean Weighted-mean FA in tract corticospinal tract (left) Total Lipids in VLDL Triglycerides in Medium HDL_clean Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex| inferior division (left) Volume of grey matter in I-IV Cerebellum (right) Mean MD in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean MD in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Augmentation index for PWA Mean L1 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left) Mean MO in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) Platelet distribution width 3-Hydroxybutyrate_clean Sample rate minimum Mean FA in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Central systolic blood pressure during PWA Mean MO in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean L2 in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left) Visceral adipose tissue volume (VAT) Vitamin B12 Mean L1 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean MD in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right) Phospholipids in Large VLDL_clean Total adipose tissue volume Total tissue fat percentage Mean ISOVF in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Age glaucoma diagnosed Total Cholesterol Minus HDL-C Mean MD in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Mean L3 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in VI Cerebellum (left) Total Lipids in Very Large HDL_clean Volume of grey matter in Putamen (left) Weighted-mean MD in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Ribs BMC (bone mineral content) Leg fat-free mass (right) Volume of grey matter in Temporal Pole (left) Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration Mean ICVF in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Mean reticulocyte volume Weighted-mean L3 in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Age started wearing glasses or contact lenses Cholesteryl Esters in Small LDL_clean Interpolated Age of participant when operation took place Mean rfMRI head motion| averaged across space and time points Mean ICVF in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean MO in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right) LV ejection fraction Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score| automated (left) Oestradiol Weighted-mean MD in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Total mass Weighted-mean OD in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left) Median z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces activation Weighted-mean L1 in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left) Volume of grey matter in VIIIa Cerebellum (vermis) Mean ISOVF in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Mean MD in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract acoustic radiation (right) Calibration coefficients - y slope Weighted-mean OD in tract forceps major Mean L1 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Leg BMC (bone mineral content) (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left) Mean L3 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) EBNA-1 antigen for Epstein-Barr Virus Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI)| direct entry (left) Free Cholesterol in Medium HDL_clean Phospholipids in Very Large VLDL_clean Mean L2 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Superior Parietal Lobule (left) Triglycerides in IDL Fraction acceleration <= 20 milli-gravities Fraction acceleration <= 275 milli-gravities Free Cholesterol in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL_clean Mean L3 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Cholesteryl Esters in IDL Mean L3 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Mean MD in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Arm tissue fat percentage (right) Volume of grey matter in Paracingulate Gyrus (right) Forced vital capacity (FVC) Weighted-mean ICVF in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Volume of grey matter in Supracalcarine Cortex (left) Average acceleration 03:00 - 03:59 Mean MD in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) EA-D antigen for Epstein-Barr Virus Glucose Weighted-mean L2 in tract superior thalamic radiation (right) Volume of grey matter in Ventral Striatum (left) Volume of grey matter in Subcallosal Cortex (left) Weighted-mean MO in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Mean MO in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton Mean MD in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Mean ICVF in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton Anterior thigh lean muscle volume (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract superior thalamic radiation (right) Interpolated Year when operation took place End systolic pressure during PWA Mean L2 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Average acceleration 07:00 - 07:59 Maximum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 120 degrees Cholesteryl Esters in Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL_clean Total Lipids in Medium VLDL Mean MO in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Concentration of Very Small VLDL Particles Volume of grey matter in VIIb Cerebellum (left) Mean OD in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Spine BMD (bone mineral density) Total Triglycerides Volume of grey matter in Parietal Operculum Cortex (right) 3mm cylindrical power (right) Mean OD in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) Median z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces-shapes contrast Weighted-mean L1 in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left) Age at cancer diagnosis L1-L4 average height Mean OD in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Weighted-mean L1 in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right) Weight (repeat-1) Fraction acceleration <= 45 milli-gravities Weighted-mean OD in tract acoustic radiation (right) Volume of grey matter in Temporal Occipital Fusiform Cortex (left) Total trunk fat volume Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score| automated Weighted-mean L1 in tract superior thalamic radiation (left) Weighted-mean ICVF in tract superior thalamic radiation (left) Calibration coefficients - z slope Mean MO in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean ICVF in tract corticospinal tract (right) Mean FA in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Liver proton density fat fraction (AMRA) Fraction acceleration <= 40 milli-gravities pp150 Nter antigen for Human Cytomegalovirus Volume of grey matter in Superior Temporal Gyrus| anterior division (right) Free Cholesterol in Medium VLDL_clean Mean carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 210 degrees Weighted-mean MO in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right) Volume of grey matter in Crus II Cerebellum (vermis) Total Concentration of Lipoprotein Particles Weighted-mean ICVF in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Mean FA in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) Mean ISOVF in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Leg fat percentage (left) 3mm strong meridian (left) Cholesterol in Large LDL_clean Volume of grey matter in Planum Polare (right) Whole body water mass Fraction acceleration <= 14 milli-gravities Median z-statistic (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes contrast Mean FA in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Mean ICVF in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) Mean L3 in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Mean FA in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Microalbumin in urine Cholesterol in Medium VLDL_clean Weighted-mean L1 in tract uncinate fasciculus (right) Weighted-mean L3 in tract middle cerebellar peduncle Average acceleration 13:00 - 13:59 Volume of grey matter in Pallidum (right) Concentration of Chylomicrons and Extremely Large VLDL Particles Mean MD in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) NS3 antigen for Hepatitis C Virus Anterior thigh lean muscle volume (left) Weighted-mean MD in tract medial lemniscus (left) Mean L2 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Minimum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 150 degrees Monocyte percentage Leg fat-free mass (left) Volume of grey matter in VIIIb Cerebellum (vermis) p22 antigen for Toxoplasma gondii Impedance of arm (right) Mean L2 in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Mean L3 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Fraction acceleration <= 55 milli-gravities Mean FA in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) Mean L2 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) Fraction acceleration <= 9 milli-gravities Aspartate aminotransferase Sitting height Spine BMC (bone mineral content) Mean L2 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in V Cerebellum (left) Mean ISOVF in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) Phospholipids in Medium LDL_clean ZEBRA antigen for Epstein-Barr Virus Volume of grey matter in Supramarginal Gyrus| posterior division (left) Mean MO in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean ICVF in tract acoustic radiation (left) Weighted-mean MO in tract uncinate fasciculus (left) Mean MD in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) Volume of grey matter in Postcentral Gyrus (left) Weighted-mean L3 in tract uncinate fasciculus (left) Phospholipids in Very Small VLDL Mean L2 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) Cholesteryl Esters in Very Large HDL_clean Mean L3 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) Mean MO in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean MO in tract acoustic radiation (right) Weighted-mean L1 in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Cholesterol in Very Large HDL_clean Remnant Cholesterol (Non-HDL| Non-LDL -Cholesterol) Weighted-mean MO in tract medial lemniscus (left) Concentration of Large VLDL Particles logMAR in round (right) Volume of grey matter in Middle Frontal Gyrus (right) Mean L2 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Mean MD in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) Mean L3 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Mean OD in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Free Cholesterol in Small LDL_clean Weighted-mean FA in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left) Weighted-mean L2 in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left) Mean MD in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Average acceleration 19:00 - 19:59 Speech-reception-threshold (SRT) estimate (left) Mean OD in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Total sugars Weighted-mean L2 in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Ribs BMD (bone mineral density) Minimum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 240 degrees Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus| temporooccipital part (right) Systolic blood pressure| automated reading Weighted-mean L1 in tract superior thalamic radiation (right) Cholesteryl Esters in LDL_clean Triglycerides in Small HDL_clean Mean FA in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Sodium in urine Mean L3 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Eosinophill count Mean L1 in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Mean L2 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) Trunk fat-free mass 6mm weak meridian (left) Weighted-mean L3 in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Volume of grey matter in X Cerebellum (vermis) E7 antigen for Human Papillomavirus type-16 Fraction acceleration <= 12 milli-gravities Weighted-mean L2 in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right) Weighted-mean L3 in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right) Fraction acceleration <= 18 milli-gravities Trunk BMD (bone mineral density) (right) Weighted-mean OD in tract medial lemniscus (left) Concentration of Small LDL Particles Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus| posterior division (right) Mean ICVF in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left) Total Lipids in Very Large VLDL_clean Mean L3 in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Weighted-mean MO in tract forceps major Mean ICVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) Mean ICVF in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) momp A antigen for Chlamydia trachomatis Weighted-mean L3 in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left) Total Lipids in Large HDL Mean MD in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) Mean ISOVF in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) Volume of caudate (right) Femur upper neck BMD (bone mineral density) (right) Mean L3 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Mean L2 in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) Fraction acceleration <= 25 milli-gravities Mean MD in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) Concentration of Medium VLDL Particles Volume of grey matter in Temporal Fusiform Cortex| anterior division (left) Fraction acceleration <= 4 milli-gravities Volume of grey matter in Subcallosal Cortex (right) Mean MD in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Cholesteryl Esters in Small VLDL_clean Mean FA in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) Femur upper neck BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (right) Discrepancy between dMRI brain image and T1 brain image 1gG antigen for Herpes Simplex virus-1 Weighted-mean OD in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left) Volume of grey matter in Crus I Cerebellum (right) Weighted-mean L1 in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left) Corneal resistance factor (left) Weighted-mean MO in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (left) Mean L3 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean MD in tract superior thalamic radiation (left) Age heart attack diagnosed Total abdominal adipose tissue index Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus| posterior division (right) Total protein Weighted-mean L3 in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right) Head bone area Mean MO in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Mean MO in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Mean arterial pressure during PWA L1-L4 area Whole body fat mass Weighted-mean OD in tract forceps minor Volume of accumbens (left) Mean ICVF in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Median T2star in amygdala (left) Mean L1 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Fraction acceleration <= 1 milli-gravities Mean corpuscular haemoglobin Protein Volume of pallidum (right) Mean FA in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Median T2star in putamen (right) Mean MD in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) VLDL Cholesterol 3mm asymmetry index (right) Mean ICVF in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus| anterior division (right) Volume of grey matter in I-IV Cerebellum (left) Mean OD in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) Average acceleration 12:00 - 12:59 Concentration of LDL Particles Mean MO in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Heel bone mineral density (BMD) Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score| automated (right) Free Cholesterol in IDL Trunk BMC (bone mineral content) Average heart rate HIV-1 gag antigen for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Triglycerides in Very Small VLDL Volume of grey matter in Thalamus (right) Mean MD in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) Cholesterol in Very Small VLDL Average acceleration 20:00 - 20:59 Trunk fat percentage Mean ISOVF in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) Mean MO in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Weighted-mean OD in tract middle cerebellar peduncle Weighted-mean FA in tract medial lemniscus (left) Calibration coefficients - y offset tarp-D F2 antigen for Chlamydia trachomatis Mean tfMRI head motion| averaged across space and time points Volume of hippocampus (right) Volume of putamen (right) Free Cholesterol in HDL Femur shaft BMD (bone mineral density) (right) Mean L1 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) Mean MO in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Mean ICVF in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Superior Temporal Gyrus| anterior division (left) Volume of grey matter in Insular Cortex (left) Trunk predicted mass Mean ISOVF in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Mean L1 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) IE1A antigen for Human Herpesvirus-6 Mean MO in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) Mean L1 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean ICVF in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Arm BMD (bone mineral density) (right) Weighted-mean L2 in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right) Weighted-mean L1 in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right) Cholesteryl Esters in Large HDL_clean Average acceleration 02:00 - 02:59 IGF-1 Calcium Mean ISOVF in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Systolic brachial blood pressure during PWA Mean MO in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean OD in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Tuesday average acceleration Mean MD in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) Mean L1 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) Mean L3 in fornix on FA skeleton Legs combined bone area Mean FA in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton 3mm weak meridian (left) Mean ISOVF in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) Mean FA in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Volume of grey matter in Precuneous Cortex (left) Volume of ventricular cerebrospinal fluid Volume of grey matter in Amygdala (left) Cylindrical power (right) Mean ICVF in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean L1 in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right) Femur troch BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (right) Average acceleration 21:00 - 21:59 Weighted-mean L1 in tract uncinate fasciculus (left) Fraction acceleration <= 3 milli-gravities Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract corticospinal tract (left) Weighted-mean MO in tract medial lemniscus (right) Weighted-mean L2 in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Arm fat-free mass (right) Volume of grey matter in Inferior Frontal Gyrus| pars triangularis (right) Mean ICVF in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Calibration coefficients - x slope Weighted-mean MD in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right) Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex| superior division (left) Concentration of Very Large HDL Particles Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Phosphoglycerides_clean Mean ISOVF in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Mean FA in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) Mean FA in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) Mean L3 in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Frontal Orbital Cortex (right) Total BMD (bone mineral density) (right) Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids_clean Mean OD in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Mean MO in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Mean ICVF in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean MD in tract acoustic radiation (right) Mean ICVF in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) Mean L2 in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) Leg bone area (right) Median T2star in accumbens (right) Legs BMD (bone mineral density) Mean OD in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Temperature average Triglycerides in Medium LDL_clean Weighted-mean L1 in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right) Mean L2 in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Mean MO in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in X Cerebellum (right) Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus| temporooccipital part (left) Volume of grey matter in Heschl's Gyrus (includes H1 and H2) (right) Mean MD in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Mean L3 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) Mean ICVF in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Mean carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 240 degrees Age emphysema/chronic bronchitis diagnosed Mean MD in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Mean OD in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton Weighted-mean ICVF in tract corticospinal tract (left) Volume of caudate (left) Volume of grey matter in Supramarginal Gyrus| anterior division (right) 6mm cylindrical power (right) Volume of grey matter in Supramarginal Gyrus| anterior division (left) Phosphate Weighted-mean MD in tract uncinate fasciculus (right) Mean L1 in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (right) Mean FA in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Alanine_clean Mean L3 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Mean ICVF in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) Volume of grey matter in Cuneal Cortex (right) Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) LV end diastolic volume GroEL antigen for Helicobacter pylori Fraction acceleration <= 65 milli-gravities U14 antigen for Human Herpesvirus-7 Mean MO in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Volume of grey matter in VI Cerebellum (right) Mean MO in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Townsend deprivation index at recruitment Calibration coefficients - x offset Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus| temporooccipital part (right) Mean FA in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Parahippocampal Gyrus| posterior division (right) Mean ISOVF in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) Mean ICVF in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean L2 in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left) L1 antigen for Human Papillomavirus type-16 Ribs bone area Mean FA in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Hip circumference Legs total mass Trunk bone area Mean MD in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) Volume of brain| grey+white matter (normalised for head size) Intra-ocular pressure| corneal-compensated (left) Basophill percentage Mean L2 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) Median T2star in pallidum (right) Mean OD in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Mean MO in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton Weighted-mean L3 in tract superior thalamic radiation (right) Weighted-mean L3 in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right) Phospholipids in Medium HDL_clean Mean ISOVF in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI)| direct entry Pelvis BMD (bone mineral density) Mean FA in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) L1-L4 BMD (bone mineral density) momp D antigen for Chlamydia trachomatis Leg BMD (bone mineral density) (left) L1 antigen for Human Papillomavirus type-18 Gynoid total mass Mean FA in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) Phospholipids in Small VLDL Weighted-mean L2 in tract acoustic radiation (right) Volume of grey matter in Brain-Stem Volume of grey matter Age macular degeneration diagnosed Neutrophill percentage Fraction acceleration <= 30 milli-gravities Trunk BMD (bone mineral density) Fraction acceleration <= 8 milli-gravities Volume of grey matter in Insular Cortex (right) Fraction acceleration <= 125 milli-gravities Volume of grey matter in Temporal Occipital Fusiform Cortex (right) Weighted-mean MO in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right) Volume of grey matter in IX Cerebellum (left) Speed of sound through heel Age when first had unusual or psychotic experience Mean L2 in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton Average Diameter for LDL Particles Volume of grey matter in Cingulate Gyrus| posterior division (right) Mean L3 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean L2 in tract forceps major Volume of grey matter in Temporal Fusiform Cortex| anterior division (right) Femur neck BMD (bone mineral density) (right) Total Lipids in Medium LDL Weighted-mean L1 in tract medial lemniscus (right) Fraction acceleration <= 19 milli-gravities Acetoacetate_clean Mean ISOVF in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Mean OD in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Iron Arm BMD (bone mineral density) (left) Volume of grey matter in Parietal Operculum Cortex (left) K8.1 antigen for Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Mean FA in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Mean MO in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract superior thalamic radiation (left) Weighted-mean MD in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right) Femur wards BMD (bone mineral density) (left) gE / gI antigen for Varicella Zoster Virus Body mass index (BMI) (repeat-1) Mean L3 in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton Corneal resistance factor (right) Mean ICVF in fornix on FA skeleton Phospholipids in HDL Weighted-mean FA in tract middle cerebellar peduncle Apolipoprotein A1 Isoleucine Weighted-mean L3 in tract acoustic radiation (right) Mean L1 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Forced vital capacity (FVC)| Best measure Mean L2 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean MO in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (left) Femur total BMD (bone mineral density) (right) Cholesterol Tyrosine_clean Speech-reception-threshold (SRT) estimate (right) Leg predicted mass (right) Mean ICVF in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) Free Cholesterol in Very Large HDL_clean Weighted-mean ICVF in tract middle cerebellar peduncle Concentration of IDL Particles Femur lower neck BMD (bone mineral density) (right) Mean L3 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Intracalcarine Cortex (right) Mean FA in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) 3mm asymmetry index (left) Mean L1 in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Mean MO in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Mean OD in tapetum on FA skeleton (right) Red blood cell (erythrocyte) count Wednesday average acceleration Creatinine_clean Mean ISOVF in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean L2 in tract anterior thalamic radiation (left) LDL direct Average acceleration 23:00 - 23:59 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for shapes activation Median T2star in pallidum (left) Fraction acceleration <= 90 milli-gravities Weighted-mean MO in tract forceps minor Mean L1 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Vitamin B6 Total Lipids in Very Small VLDL VAT (visceral adipose tissue) volume Saturated fat Mean MO in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Cholesterol in Very Large VLDL_clean Weighted-mean L3 in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Volume of grey matter in Heschl's Gyrus (includes H1 and H2) (left) Mean MO in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) Linoleic Acid_clean Amount of warping applied to non-linearly align T1 brain image to standard-space Average acceleration 08:00 - 08:59 Carbohydrate Weighted-mean L3 in tract forceps major Volume of grey matter in Frontal Medial Cortex (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract forceps minor Total Cholines_clean Spherical power (right) Volume of grey matter in Temporal Fusiform Cortex| posterior division (left) Mean MD in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton Reticulocyte percentage Weighted-mean OD in tract corticospinal tract (left) Average acceleration 06:00 - 06:59 Intra-ocular pressure| corneal-compensated (right) Age when diabetes-related eye disease diagnosed Mean ISOVF in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Liver iron corrected T1 (ct1) Mean corpuscular volume Triglycerides in Large LDL Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1) Z-score Fraction acceleration <= 16 milli-gravities Mean MD in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) Mean L1 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) Interpolated Year when non-cancer illness first diagnosed Mean ISOVF in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Age stroke diagnosed Fraction acceleration <= 13 milli-gravities logMAR in round (left) Calibration - minimum y stationary value VacA antigen for Helicobacter pylori Total thigh muscle volume Mean ICVF in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Seated height Saturday average acceleration Age at death Weighted-mean FA in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left) Phospholipids in VLDL Leg total mass (left) Mean MD in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton Mean OD in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Volume of thalamus (right) Mean OD in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Eosinophill percentage 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes contrast Cardiac output during PWA Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Mean ISOVF in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Mean platelet (thrombocyte) volume Mean ICVF in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Crus II Cerebellum (left) Mean L1 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Volume of grey matter in Putamen (right) Arm bone area (left) Citrate_clean Triglycerides in Large VLDL_clean Mean carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 120 degrees Mean OD in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Total lean tissue volume Mean MO in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Mean FA in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean ICVF in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (left) Femur lower neck BMD (bone mineral density) (left) Mean ISOVF in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Mean MO in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) Mean L2 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) Fraction acceleration <= 100 milli-gravities IE1B antigen for Human Herpesvirus-6 Mean L1 in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Standard deviation of acceleration No-wear time bias adjusted acceleration median Mean L3 in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) Fraction acceleration <= 250 milli-gravities Mean OD in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Mean OD in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean MD in tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Volume of grey matter in X Cerebellum (left) Mean L1 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Mean ISOVF in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Femur wards BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (left) Mean MO in external capsule on FA skeleton (left) Mean OD in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) Energy Mean MD in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean L3 in tract corticospinal tract (right) Mean OD in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Cylindrical power (left) Alanine aminotransferase Mean ICVF in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Clinical LDL Cholesterol_clean Mean FA in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean OD in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Weighted-mean FA in tract uncinate fasciculus (right) Triglycerides in Very Large VLDL_clean Mean ICVF in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Mean OD in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Mean signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)| (left) Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract superior thalamic radiation (right) Mean L2 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) Volume of grey matter in Hippocampus (right) Weight-to-muscle ratio Mean ICVF in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) LDL Cholesterol_clean Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract uncinate fasciculus (left) Mean L3 in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (left) Femur total BMD (bone mineral density) T-score (right) 90th percentile of z-statistic (in group-defined mask) for faces activation Monocyte count Mean OD in anterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Mean ICVF in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) Leg BMD (bone mineral density) (right) Cholesteryl Esters in Very Large VLDL_clean Weighted-mean L3 in tract medial lemniscus (right) Error tolerance after calibration Mean L2 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) ECG| load HDL Cholesterol Weighted-mean ICVF in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right) Mean OD in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean MD in tract posterior thalamic radiation (right) FEV1/ FVC ratio Z-score Weighted-mean MD in tract corticospinal tract (right) Volume of grey matter in IX Cerebellum (right) Mean L1 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean MD in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right) Fraction acceleration <= 150 milli-gravities Mean L2 in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Volume of grey matter in Parahippocampal Gyrus| anterior division (right) Glycine_clean Free Cholesterol in Small VLDL_clean Intra-ocular pressure| Goldmann-correlated (left) Catalase antigen for Helicobacter pylori Mean OD in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Superior Parietal Lobule (right) Carotene Weighted-mean MD in tract forceps minor Mean L1 in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (left) Apolipoprotein A Immature reticulocyte fraction Vitamin E Mean FA in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton Mean OD in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) Fraction acceleration <= 300 milli-gravities No-wear time bias adjusted acceleration standard deviation Leg bone area (left) Mean ICVF in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) Mean L3 in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean FA in tract inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (right) Mean ICVF in posterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Mean MO in fornix on FA skeleton Arm bone area (right) Mean MD in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Sample rate average Volume of grey matter in VIIb Cerebellum (right) Mean L3 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) Mean ICVF in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) Liver iron (Fe) Lymphocyte count Weighted-mean L3 in tract medial lemniscus (left) Volume of amygdala (right) Maximum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 210 degrees Weighted-mean ISOVF in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right) C-reactive protein Volume of grey matter in Frontal Operculum Cortex (right) Body fat percentage Mean ISOVF in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) Magnesium Median T2star in thalamus (left) Volume of grey matter in Pallidum (left) Mean L2 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) Average acceleration 22:00 - 22:59 Body mass index (BMI) Mean L1 in external capsule on FA skeleton (right) L1-L4 average width Mean L2 in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Heel bone mineral density (BMD)| manual entry Inverted signal-to-noise ratio in T1 Mean ICVF in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Free Cholesterol in Large HDL_clean Vitamin C Cholesterol in Small HDL Volume of grey matter in Angular Gyrus (right) Arms BMC (bone mineral content) Volume of grey matter in Middle Frontal Gyrus (left) Total BMD (bone mineral density) (left) Leg fat percentage (right) Mean FA in medial lemniscus on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean L2 in tract uncinate fasciculus (left) Mean L2 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Volume of grey matter in Inferior Temporal Gyrus| posterior division (left) Neutrophill count Weighted-mean MD in tract superior thalamic radiation (right) Mean ICVF in posterior thalamic radiation on FA skeleton (left) L1-L4 BMC (bone mineral content) Mean L1 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean FA in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right) Weighted-mean L3 in tract acoustic radiation (left) Fraction acceleration <= 15 milli-gravities Fat Mean MD in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) Birth weight Mean ISOVF in middle cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1)| Best measure Mean MD in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Fraction acceleration <= 17 milli-gravities Mean L3 in tapetum on FA skeleton (left) Phospholipids in Small HDL Average acceleration 17:00 - 17:59 Volume of grey matter in Precentral Gyrus (left) Leg predicted mass (left) Inverted temporal signal-to-noise ratio in artefact-cleaned pre-processed rfMRI Mean L2 in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Rheumatoid factor Volume of grey matter in Planum Polare (left) Mean MO in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Frontal Operculum Cortex (left) Weighted-mean MO in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (left) Total BMD (bone mineral density) T-score Mean L3 in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) Mean signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)| (right) Inverted temporal signal-to-noise ratio in pre-processed rfMRI Volume of grey matter in Frontal Pole (right) Ankle spacing width (left) Weighted-mean FA in tract anterior thalamic radiation (right) Triglycerides in Small LDL_clean Mean MO in splenium of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Fraction acceleration <= 6 milli-gravities Femur neck BMD (bone mineral density) (left) Volume of grey matter in V Cerebellum (right) Mean MO in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (left) Weighted-mean L1 in tract inferior longitudinal fasciculus (right) Maximum carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 240 degrees Weighted-mean ICVF in tract medial lemniscus (left) Arms combined bone area Cardiac output Mean ISOVF in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Phospholipids in Large LDL Mean FA in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean L2 in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right) Fraction acceleration <= 5 milli-gravities Free Cholesterol in LDL_clean pp 28 antigen for Human Cytomegalovirus Volume of grey matter in Precuneous Cortex (right) Phospholipids in Very Large HDL_clean Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex| superior division (right) Calibration coefficients - z temp Weighted-mean L2 in tract middle cerebellar peduncle Average acceleration 01:00 - 01:59 Mean MD in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) Mean L1 in inferior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean MO in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right) Weighted-mean MD in tract forceps major Weighted-mean ICVF in tract cingulate gyrus part of cingulum (right) Volume of grey matter in Lateral Occipital Cortex| inferior division (right) Mean L2 in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton Mean OD in superior longitudinal fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Mean L1 in posterior limb of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) Impedance of whole body Volume of white matter (normalised for head size) Weighted-mean OD in tract corticospinal tract (right) 90th percentile of BOLD effect (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes contrast Work hours per week - exact value Volume of grey matter in Paracingulate Gyrus (left) Englyst dietary fibre Mean ISOVF in superior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Average acceleration 09:00 - 09:59 Mean FA in sagittal stratum on FA skeleton (right) Mean ISOVF in superior fronto-occipital fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Discrepancy between T1 brain image and standard-space brain template (nonlinearly-aligned) Mean L3 in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (left) Mean L1 in pontine crossing tract on FA skeleton Mean L3 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (left) Heel bone mineral density (BMD) (right) Mean ICVF in genu of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Pack years of smoking Mean L3 in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Mean OD in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (right) Volume of brain| grey+white matter Calibration coefficients - z offset Total Esterified Cholesterol Mean ICVF in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (left) Mean L3 in superior cerebellar peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Arm tissue fat percentage (left) Mean FA in fornix cres+stria terminalis on FA skeleton (right) Spherical power (left) Age asthma diagnosed Mean L1 in cingulum cingulate gyrus on FA skeleton (left) Mean OD in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) Volume of grey matter in Juxtapositional Lobule Cortex (formerly Supplementary Motor Cortex) (right) Mean ISOVF in uncinate fasciculus on FA skeleton (right) Weighted-mean ICVF in tract uncinate fasciculus (left) PorB antigen for Chlamydia trachomatis Weighted-mean L3 in tract posterior thalamic radiation (left) Weighted-mean L2 in tract acoustic radiation (left) Weighted-mean L1 in tract corticospinal tract (right) Weighted-mean L2 in tract parahippocampal part of cingulum (right) Weighted-mean L2 in tract uncinate fasciculus (right) Mean L3 in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1)| predicted percentage Average acceleration 10:00 - 10:59 Total Lipids in Small VLDL Volume of grey matter in Caudate (right) Monounsaturated Fatty Acids_clean Volume of grey matter in Postcentral Gyrus (right) Legs BMC (bone mineral content) Phosphatidylcholines_clean Mean ISOVF in cerebral peduncle on FA skeleton (right) Heel Broadband ultrasound attenuation| direct entry Mean FA in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) Mean ISOVF in anterior corona radiata on FA skeleton (right) Median BOLD effect (in group-defined amygdala activation mask) for faces-shapes contrast Mean MO in cingulum hippocampus on FA skeleton (right) Mean ISOVF in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (left) No-wear time bias adjusted acceleration maximum Arms total mass Forced vital capacity (FVC) Z-score Volume of grey matter in Crus II Cerebellum (right) Leucine_clean Volume of grey matter in VIIIa Cerebellum (left) Mean ICVF in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) Mean ISOVF in retrolenticular part of internal capsule on FA skeleton (right) Mean ICVF in body of corpus callosum on FA skeleton Thursday average acceleration Mean carotid IMT (intima-medial thickness) at 150 degrees Abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue volume (ASAT) Weight Total BMD (bone mineral density) Volume of grey matter (normalised for head size) Concentration of HDL Particles Volume of grey matter in Precentral Gyrus (right) Fraction acceleration <= 175 milli-gravities Weighted-mean OD in tract acoustic radiation (left) Gynoid tissue fat percentage Volume of pallidum (left) Average acceleration 14:00 - 14:59 Volume of grey matter in Middle Temporal Gyrus| anterior division (left) Calibration - maximum z stationary value Trunk BMD (bone mineral density) (left) Impedance of arm (left) Volumetric scaling from T1 head image to standard space Mean MO in corticospinal tract on FA skeleton (left) logMAR| final (right) Weighted-mean OD in tract superior thalamic radiation (left)